8(to)7 Guest lectures are pioneering a new frontier in post-quantum encryption knowledge.

Start exploring PQE

Universities and research labs around the globe can now connect with 8(to)7

 As the field of quantum computing advances, traditional encryption methods face the risk of being easily cracked by quantum algorithms. 8(to)7 offers a unique and innovative approach to post-quantum encryption using molecular-genetic crypto technology based on DNA transformation. By partnering with 8(to)7, universities and research labs can educate their Professors, Researchers and Students on the importance of post-quantum encryption and introduce them to the cutting-edge advancements in this field.

What We are doing

8(to)7 is breaking the barriers in conventional Encryption

“With our quantum algorithm in encryption and high-entropy data compression, we continuously tackle the challenges of enhancing high-entropy data archiving. Our Home encoding method compresses permutation sequences by leveraging the inverse probability of encountering an expected value.”

Scientific sharing

Research Collaboration

 Universities and research labs can work closely with 8(to)7 to explore cutting-edge Quantum resistant encryption algorithms and technologies, ensuring future-proof data security.
This collaboration enables researchers to contribute significantly to the advancement of encryption methods and make impactful contributions to the field.”

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Be a pioneer in a new quantum resistant encryption area

8(to)7 an offer guest lectures, workshops, and resources to enhance the knowledge and skills of students and staff in the field of quantum-resistant secure data encryption.

Be an integral part of Quantum security in the future

Who is Ive Bester

"Ive, a pioneering expert in developing quantum-resistant encryptions, has dedicated over 30 years to this field. Over the past 15 years, alongside a small team of exceptionally talented cryptography experts, the 8 to 7 project was conceived. The result is a fully functional, 100% quantum-resistant encryption built upon high-entropy data archiving.

A paramount advantage lies in the multi-factor key and a comprehensive six-factor verification process for every 256-byte block. This marks the advent of a revolutionary new era in coding.

How to work with 8(to)7

8(to)7 offers multiple collaboration opportunities:
1-Complimentary guest lectures at your University
2-Scientific and research-based approach in developing 8(to)7 technology
3-Partnership model for exploring challenges in 8(to)7 PQE applications
4-Investment in various models for quantum future security

®8(to)7 A Dutch company Headquarters Wattstraat 54, Zoetermeer The Netherlands KvK: 89488369 BTW.864997504B01

© 8(To)7 All Rights Reserved.

All 8(to)7 & NaveoI algorithm and source codes are registered with BOIP Luxembourg:143627

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